Fierce Love

I’ve been reflecting alot these days on this life, and what it means to be human in this day and age. Some of you may also be going inwards now more then usual; some of it may be unwanted, especially if it comes with sensations we don’t want to feel such as fear, anxiety, and insecurity. Some of us are feeling a genuine fear of our own mortality, wondering if we have the strength, either emotionally or physically, to weather this most turbulent storm. We are left grasping at straws, looking for any light in the tunnel, any glimmer of hope that we can overcome. For some, dealing with our uncomfortable emotions involves doing it in the quickest and most painless way we know how: alcohol, drugs, or junk food will always be there to numb our pain, even for a little while . With all the chaos around us, it can feel like we are powerless and have no control, and that can be very scary for alot of people.


I feel that is just one path of many that we can walk.

Are we really powerless?

Do we really have no control when it comes to our own fate?

I would beg to differ .

When we are struck with an illness, or disease, sometimes seemingly out of the blue, we can feel like we are being punished, or that our body has failed us in some way. We may even think that we have been doing everything right to take care of ourselves and then bam! We have cancer. Or diabetes. Or heart disease. It may seem like a cruel joke sometimes how life works. We might as well give up and eat Cheezies and chocolate all day right? Not so fast.

Our bodies are wonderous things. They are constantly striving for survival. They are constantly striving for homeostasis, balance. The work they do behind the scenes to protect us from foreign enemies, pathogens, virus’s , bacteria, toxins, is outstanding. Even if we don’t feel “sick” don’t assume all is calm within. Your immune system is actually working 24/7 keeping out harmful substances, all in an effort to keep you safe. Sometimes, especially if we are struck with disease, or illness, we think our bodies have let us down. We tend to think of the disease, virus, bacteria, as Enemy #1, and our instinct is to strike it down with whatever means possible. Taking medications can be lifesaving in some cases of severe illness. This is where conventional medicine shines. It is very good at diagnosing and treating acute disease. Even in the functional medicine or holistic health field, many still have that tendency to ” treat” their patients or clients with this mindset of “clearing out the enemy”. Many of us rely on the drug/pill/potion to make us well. But does this mean you are cured or healed? Do you really need to do anything else but this? I would like you to challenge your thinking here.

Example: you are diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and your doctor prescribes Metformin. Does taking this drug mean you are cured of Diabetes? No of course not, you are just managing your symptoms. The same example can be used for many chronic diseases, and that is the point: treating chronic diseases as if they were acute illnesses does not in any way promote healing. It just acts as a band-aid approach, which is very helpful temporarily, especially if we are dealing with a lot of pain, but, the dysfunction continues in the body. The body will compensate for the imbalance AND treatment given, especially if it involves drugs. Your body is left vulnerable to a possible secondary imbalance or side effect as a result. In the example quoted above, we are usually left with a severe B-12 deficiency, which can have detrimental consequences if not addressed. Furthermore, we generally need to remain taking this drug for our lifetime to manage the dis-ease. Is this healing? We need to stop focusing on the symptom as the problem and start looking at the reasons why we have that symptom in the first place and address that. Otherwise, its like taking an aspirin for your headache, while you continue to bang your head against the wall.

We know chronic dis-ease is rarely caused by ONE factor. Our body works like an orchestra. A dysfunction in one area will affect another, and so on and so on. A gut issue can result in joint pain as just one example. A headache may be due to a food intolerance. Blasting a bacterial overgrowth in your gut with anti-microbial herbs without doing anything else, is not paying attention to WHAT CAUSED THE OVERGROWTH IN THE FIRST PLACE. Even when we catch a virus for example, a large part of the virulence depends on he state of the host. What condition is the body presently in that will either fight or succumb to the bug? Do we have the white blood cells’s in sufficient quantities to mount a strong enough attack on the foreigner, before damage can occur? Do we have sufficient nutrient availability in our bodies, necessary to create these white bloods cells in the first place? Our bodies have evolved over millennia to be able to fight a multitude of pathogens on a DAILY BASIS. Are we exposing ourselves to things that may affect that ability? Are our bodies compromised in any way? Are these things we have choices over?

We need to start asking these questions.

So why wouldn’t we want to find out the root cause of why we have a dis-ease or chronic illness? Maybe because going down that rabbit hole will require some change from us, some adjustment to what we are used to, what we know. Going down that rabbit hole will usually require some sacrifice on our part. When we look for the root cause, often we have to go a bit back in time, which we may be uncomfortable with.

Reality check

Many of us are doing exactly that right now. What is important to us? What have we been putting so much energy into that seems superficial now? Where have we been ignoring what is really important, in terms of a fulfilled and meaningful life?

Fierce Love.

Its time to stop saying “one day” and start doing RIGHT NOW.

Its time to stop putting off our self-care for other “more important things”

Its time to start TAKING RESPONSIBILITY for ourselves and the choices we make that contribute to our state of wellness or illness. We are sometimes victims, but we are more often chronic deniers.

Fierce Love.

Its time to start making time for our health and well-being. No one else is going to do it for us. We don’t want to wait until its too late, to change our circumstances. The more we put off, the harder it will be later to heal or reverse the imbalance.


Enough of the excuses

Make the conscious choice RIGHT NOW to make your health and wellness a priority. Even if you think you are too far down the line of illness or un-wellness to start now, know this: it is never to late to make changes. Our bodies are miraculous. What they can do when we offer them just a bit of support, and take away just a bit of the burdens we put on them, will astound you. I see this daily in my practice. Every little bit we do makes a difference.

Let’s make choices that are for our highest good

Let’s make choices that support our highest state of wellness in body and mind

Let’s make choices that feed us, not drain us

Lets give ourselves that love that we have been lacking and searching for in other people, places or things.

Fierce Love

It’s time to take back our power and take a stand for our lives.

These times call for nothing less.

Much love,


If you are ready for change, I would be honored to assist you in your healing journey.

To book a free consult, please contact me at

Author: sageheartnutrition

I am a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Certified AFMC Functional Medicine Health Practitioner. I am also certified in Therapeutic Touch and Energy Healing. I incorporate functional medicine principles when working with clients, working with a root-cause approach for all issues . I offer nutritional consultations, assessments, and individualized lifestyle and nutrition plans, as well as providing support for your health challenges. My focus is gut health and digestive wellness and emotional wellness, helping you to bridge that communication between your body and mind to achieve lasting wellness and balance. I am also experienced working with blood sugar imbalances, autoimmune diseases , hormone imbalances, allergies and more. I provide no-nonsense assistance in your quest for wellness, offered with compassion and patience.

2 thoughts on “Fierce Love”

  1. Excellent Silvi! ❤️🌷

    On Tue, Apr 21, 2020 at 14:32 sageheartnutrition wrote:

    > sageheartnutrition posted: ” I’ve been reflecting alot these days on this > life, and what it means to be human in this day and age. Some of you may > also be going inwards now more then usual; some of it may be unwanted, > especially if it comes with sensations we don’t want to ” >

    Liked by 1 person

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